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Vatta, Pitta and Kapha: 3 Ayurveda Doshas

The doshas, which are made up of pitta, kapha, and vata, are among the most fundamental ideas in the Ayurvedic system. However, what exactly are they?

The doshas are essentially natural energetic forces and functional principles that aid in our understanding of both the self and the outside world. Let’s dive into this blog to learn about the Ayurveda Doshas in detail.

Three Doshas in Ayurveda: What are they?

Since all three doshas are necessary for human physiology—pitta, kapha, and vata—none of them is better or more superior than the others. Each doshas has a very specific role to do. That being said, when the doshas are out of balance, our health can suffer significantly.

Before getting into the specifics of each dosha, it is helpful to understand the elemental components of the three doshas as well as their greater role in the natural world.

Earth, fire, water, and air (wind) are the five elements that Ayurveda considers to be the basic constituents of the material world.

  • Vata energy is characterised by its mobility, or air energy.
  • Pitta represents the Fire energy's capacity for transformation.
  • Additionally, Kapha reflects Water energy's binding quality.

Doshas in Ayureveda and their Elements

The doshas are composed mostly of two elements, although they all contain all five elements, just like everything else in nature.


Primary Elements


Air + Ether


Fire + Water


Water + Earth

All three doshas are present in varying degrees in everyone and everything, much like the elements. Together, they provide a variety of environments, cuisines, species, and even variations within members of the same species.

In actuality, the specific proportions of pitta, kapha, and vata that each of us possesses gives us a blueprint for optimal health (also referred to as our constitution) and has a major impact on our distinct physical, mental, and emotional qualities—as well as our vulnerabilities and strengths.

Doshas in Ayurveda and Their Functions

Because of the specific materials and attributes that make up each dosha, each one has a distinct personality. In the end, distinct physiological processes are naturally governed by each dosha:


Primary Functions


Movement and Communication


Digestion and Transformation


Cohesiveness, Structure, and Lubrication


Due to its embodiment of motion energy, vata is often associated with wind and the element of air. All movement, including all cellular mobility, tissue motions, muscle contractions, and brain-neuroid connection, is governed by vata. It is connected to adaptability and inventiveness.


Since Pitta is associated with transformational energy, it is intimately related to the element of fire. Water is its secondary ingredient, though, as pitta is mostly liquid in living things. Pitta spreads instead of remaining still or moving, much as how heat from a fire permeates its surroundings or water flows where the earth directs it.

The Pitta axis governs digestion and metabolism, body temperature, and insight light. It is intimately linked to intelligence, comprehension, and the processing of food, ideas, feelings, and encounters.


Since kapha contributes firmness, consistency, and order to everything, it is associated mostly with the elements of earth and water. Moreover, kapha embodies the watery traits of love and compassion. This dosha hydrates all cells and systems, lubricates joints, moisturises skin, strengthens immunity, and protects tissues.

Imbalances in Ayurveda Doshas

Dosha imbalances are mostly caused by emotional trauma or stress, as well as unsupportive dietary and lifestyle choices. These disturbances frequently threaten the typical state of internal homeostasis, which is encoded in an individual's constitution.

Imbalancing of Vata

When vata is out of equilibrium, it is frequently linked to feelings of dread, worry, loneliness, isolation, and exhaustion. It may cause a decrease in physical endurance and energy, disrupt regular communication, and cause a range of unusual physical sensations, such as trembling or shaking.

Imbalancing of Pitta

Feelings that are fiery and reactive, such as envy, impatience, and criticism, arise when Pitta is out of equilibrium. All body tissues and organs can be affected by heat-related disorders, much of which are caused by pitta imbalance.

Imbalancing of Kapha

In addition to emotions of attachment, greed, and possessiveness, an imbalanced kapha can result in stubbornness, laziness, and a resistance to change. Physically, kapha tends to promote stagnation and sluggishness in all body tissues and organs, including the intellect.

Balancing Ayurveda Doshas in Your Life

It's critical to keep in mind that everyone of us has both enduring problem areas and natural talents and skills. The doshas are an excellent tool for identifying and resolving any imbalances present in our systems as well as for comprehending both.

The doshas in ayurveda always help us see our own subtleties, direct us towards greater self-awareness, and teach us how to be there for others just when and where it counts most. Therefore, developing a relationship with each of the three doshas can truly change your general state of health and wellbeing. We would be delighted to help you start becoming friends with the doshas in your life.


What is a dosha in Ayurveda?

The Indian ancient medical system known as Ayurveda has identified three main categories of basic principles that govern the body, mind, and behaviour. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are the names of these three doshas.

What is Ayurveda Vata Pitta Kapha?

The Mahabhutas of Vayu (air) and Akasa (ether) make up Vata Dosha. Ap Mahabhutas and Tejas, often known as Agni (fire), make up Pitta Dosha. Prithvi (earth) and Ap (water) Mahabhutas make up Kapha Dosha.

What are the symptoms of high Pitta?

Inflammation, heat flashes, skin rashes and irritations, indigestion, headaches, and irritability are signs of elevated Pitta. Additional bodily indicators include of increased perspiration, acne, ulcers, and burning feelings. Aggression, rage, and impatience are examples of mental symptoms.