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Doshas in Ayurveda: 3 Ayurveda Doshas

The term "knowledge of life," or Ayurveda, originates from the Vedas, an ancient Sanskrit scripture that is 5,000 years old. This therapeutic approach considers a person's physical makeup, emotional state, and spiritual perspective within the framework of the cosmos. Vata, pitta, and kapha are the three distinct energies or doshas in ayurveda, that the philosophy claims represent the universal life force. These three forces combine in a certain way to form each of us. Let’s dive into this blog to learn about the Ayurveda Doshas in detail.

What are three Doshas in Ayurveda?

Kapha Dosha

Strong bones and an innate athleticism characterise Kapha types, provided they exercise frequently to control their propensity to put on weight. They are inherently dependable, kind, and devoted due to the impact of the earth and water components. They value following a logical, step-by-step process and favour consistency in both their personal and professional life. Even in situations where change is required, people who are out of balance might become uninspired, obstinate, and complacent. In comparison to vata or pitta types, they typically have a slower metabolism and a less acute craving for food and stimulation. They gain from occasionally fasting, as well as by exposing themselves to different situations and people.

Pitta Dosha

Pitta types are naturally forceful, intense, and irritated since they are dominated by the fire element. They frequently possess a medium-sized build, powerful muscles, and endurance. Their skin is easily reddened in the sun, after physical exertion, during massages, and when they blush, and they are often freckled. They have a strong sense of morality and are adept at acting on it. They approach both work and pleasure with the same fervour and fierce rivalry. They are quick learners and natural leaders, which can make them judgmental or impatient with those they perceive to be slower or less focused than themselves due to their ease with understanding and mastering new abilities and concepts. They digest food extremely well and have eager appetites for both food and challenges.

Vata Dosha

Vata types are typically lean and slender. They love engaging in creative pursuits, interacting with new people, and exploring new locations. They are also highly physically and cognitively active. Vatas are adaptable, creative thinkers, and possess vivid imaginations when they are in balance. They can become uneasy, erratic, and appear "flaky" when it comes to keeping their word, adhering to a schedule, and finishing tasks when they are out of balance. They love warm, humid weather but tend to run chilly and dry. Constipation, dry skin, cracking joints, and cold hands and feet are common complaints among Vata types. They are highly variable in terms of energy, mood, and hunger due to the air element's influence on their constitution. 

What are the Functions of Vata, Pitta and Kapha?

Each of the three doshas in ayurveda has a certain function that is determined by the elemental forces that make up its composition. Digestive system, limbs, and structure are under the purview of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Physical functions are carried out by each dosha.

Functions of Vata Dosha

  • Every bodily activity is controlled by the Vata Dosha. It is typically located in the lower abdomen, directly below the navel.
  • All of the body's inherent desires, such as those for food, drink, urine, excretion, sleep, etc., are governed by vata. It also maintains the health of the Dhatus, or tissues, and helps certain activities like respiration run smoothly.
  • Vata is responsible for the heart, blood circulation, heart rate, and nerve impulses that carry information from the brain to every part of the body.

Functions of Pitta Dosha

  • Pitta Dosha regulates metabolism and facilitates proper digestion in the body.
  • It is believed to be above the navel in the upper abdomen.
  • Pitta regulates body temperature and is associated with fire. It enhances both physical lustre and mental clarity. Because it is associated with metamorphosis, it governs our emotions and experiences.

Functions of the Kapha Dosha

  • Kapha gives the body strength, vigour, and immunity. It is believed to be in the chest region.
  • It can ensure the stability and robustness of the skeletal system. Since it contains the element water, it hydrates the tissues and cells. As a result, the skin is kept moisturised. It lubricates the joints to facilitate seamless functioning. See a well-known Ayurvedic physician to learn more.

Deficit or Mismatch in Dosha Levels

Good health is ensured by a balanced Dosha system. On the other hand, vitiation of the Doshas is often feasible and would lead to an imbalance. Dosha imbalance has numerous causes, such as:

  • Improper diet: when one's food intake is out of balance with their dominant Dosha.
  • Ineffective lifestyle management is the root cause of improper daily routines.
  • Stress and strain that lead to anxiety or trauma.
  • For whatever reason, the state of harmony might be disturbed when any of the Doshas become vitiated. The health effects of this can be negative. Every vitiated dosha produces excess dosha, which might result in specific ailments or symptoms. The disturbance is unique and sensitive to individual variation.

Balancing of Ayurveda Doshas

You must be asking yourself how to balance vata, pitta, and kapha now that you are aware of the symptoms of imbalance. According to Ayurveda, balancing the three doshas is essential to optimal health. The following advice can be used to balance the Pitta, Kapha, and Vata doshas:

Balancing Vata

  • Maintain a consistent routine and sleep schedule.
  • To relax the body and mind, use yoga and meditation.
  • Consume hot, filling foods; stay away from cold, dry, and raw foods.
  • Make use of warming herbs and spices like black pepper, cinnamon, and ginger.
  • Warm liquids will help you stay hydrated throughout the day.

Balancing Pitta

  • Steer clear of alcohol, caffeine, and hot, spicy foods.
  • Consume cold foods like leafy greens and other fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Engage in relaxing activities like moderate yoga and deep breathing.
  • Drink lots of water and coconut water to stay hydrated.
  • Employ calming spices and herbs like mint, fennel, and coriander

Balancing Kapha

  • Engage in regular exercise to increase metabolism.
  • Avoid heavy, oily, and cold foods and instead consume light, dry, and warm foods.
  • Make use of warming herbs and spices like black pepper, cinnamon, and ginger.
  • Engage in energising yoga and breathing techniques.
  • liquids will help you keep hydrated throughout the day.

The Benefits of Turmeric

  • Might make arthritis easier.
  • Includes turmerone, which has potential benefits for Alzheimer's patients.
  • Might guard against cardiac problems.
  • Might aid in the prevention of allergies and aid in the defence against infections.
  • May contribute to slowing the spread of malignant cells.
  • May improve mood and cause the brain's feel-good chemicals to be released.
  • Might be crucial in improving memory.
  • Mlessen the appearance of ageing and shield cells from harm.
  • Might aid in the treatment of dyspepsia.

Maintaining equilibrium in the body, mind, and spirit is important, according to Ayurveda. This equilibrium is mostly dependent on the three doshas: Pitta, Kapha, and Vata. Our best health and well-being can be attained by being aware of the distinctive characteristics of each dosha and taking action to maintain balance.


What are the three doshas in Ayurveda?

The Indian ancient medical system known as Ayurveda has identified three main categories of basic principles that govern the body, mind, and behaviour. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are the names of these three doshas.

Which dosha is best in Ayurveda?

Since all three doshas are necessary for human physiology—pitta, kapha, and vata—none of them is better or more superior than the others. They all have extremely distinct functions to perform within the body. Our health can suffer greatly when the doshas are out of equilibrium.

What is pitta in the body?

The term "Pita Dosha" (energy) describes the body's energy condition and is related to the metabolic and biochemical processes that produce heat and energy. Controlling the appropriate use of energy by the various cellular structures is the role of the Vata Dosha (motion).